Dental Bridges: Restoring Your Smile

What Are Dental Bridges?


What Are Dental Bridges?

If you are missing a tooth or several consecutive teeth, dental bridges help to conceal the gap and give you a more attractive smile. They also prevent nearby teeth from shifting into the open spot, which could eventually cause problems with your bite and alignment. Because dental bridges are a more conservative approach to tooth restoration, most insurance providers offer at least some coverage for them.

When you come in for your dental bridge procedure at Gentle Breeze Dental, Dr. Diep affixes the supporting anchors to the teeth on either side of the missing tooth. This holds the new dental bridge firmly in place. He then attaches your replacement tooth to the posts of the supporting teeth. Dr. Diep takes special care to ensure that your new tooth matches the shape and shade of your existing teeth as closely as possible.

Different Types of Dental Bridges

Depending on how many teeth you are missing and your overall oral health, you will receive one of these types of dental bridges:

  • Cantilever Bridge: This type of dental bridge is most appropriate for the back teeth because it only attaches to one nearby tooth for support. However, Dr. Diep may place it elsewhere in your mouth when you only have one healthy tooth to support a dental bridge.
  • Fixed Bridge: A fixed bridge comes with a dental crown at either end with one or several replacement teeth between them. Dr. Diep places the crown over the natural teeth to the immediate left and right of the gap left by the missing teeth. The false teeth attached to the bridge then rest on the gums. Since a fixed bridge is highly durable, your dentist can place it anywhere in your mouth.
  • esin-Bonded Bridge: Also known as a Maryland bridge, this type includes artificial teeth that span a gap in the patient’s mouth. Dr. Diep attaches the replacement teeth to nearby teeth with metal bands rather than with a dental crown. This is a good option when the supporting teeth are healthy. The metal bands go behind the teeth, making this a good choice for replacing front teeth.
  • A pus-filled sac on the gum line

Contact Gentle Breeze Dental to Discuss Your Tooth Replacement Options

Before recommending a specific type of dental crown, Dr. Diep must examine your existing teeth and gums to determine which type would work best. You may also wish to consider other possibilities, such as dental implants. We’re happy to discuss your treatment choices during a personal consultation.

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