Gentle Breeze Dental now offers the Juvederm procedure to help smooth the areas around your mouth, add fullness to your face, and reduce the appearance of skin folds. It contains a smooth gel made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. We inject Juvederm under the skin with a small needle. As with Botox, both pain and downtime are minimal. You should be able to resume normal activities immediately after your appointment. This FDA-approved facial filler is far less invasive than other types.
Is Juvederm Right for You?
People decide to pursue aesthetic improvements to their face for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the area around your mouth sags or you want fuller, better-defined lips. Juvederm can correct both of these issues as well as several others. It enhances the skin in different ways than Botox. While that procedure prevents facial muscles from constantly contracting, Juvederm helps to fill out problem areas. It replaces the natural substances in your face that tend to disappear with aging. We inject the gel directly into areas around your mouth and nose to erase deep smile lines and eliminate skin folds.
It’s completely safe to undergo Juvederm and Botox at the same time if that’s what you desire. The two procedures do not interact with one another or cause any unpleasant side effects. You may also opt to have Juvederm performed at the same time you undergo one of our cosmetic dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening. Imagine the difference in your appearance when your teeth are several shades brighter and your lips are fuller at the same time. You may not be able to stop the process of aging, but there’s no reason not to look your very best at all stages of life.
The FDA has also approved Juvederm for other dental purposes, including treatment of TMJ or bruxism. Be sure to ask us about this procedure if you struggle with either of those issues or with jaw clenching in general. The effects of each Juvederm injection last for six months on average.
Ready to Schedule an Appointment or Need More Information?
At Gentle Breeze Dental, we understand that you may have additional questions about our facial aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry services. We encourage you to contact our office to request an appointment for a consultation. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere while having the complete attention of our staff.